Strange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide
I'll take it by your side
Such imagination seems to help the feeling slide
I'll take it by your side
Instant correlation sucks and breeds a pack of lies
I'll take it by your side
Oversaturation curls the skin and tans the hide
I'll take it by your side

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tick
Tick tock

I'm unclean, a libertine
And every time you vent your spleen
I seem to lose the power of speech
You're slipping slowly from my reach
You grow me like an evergreen
You've never seen the lonely me at all

Take the plan, spin it sideways
Without you I'm nothing
Without you I'm nothing
Without you I'm nothing
Take the plan, spin it sideways
Without you I'm nothing at all

이 노래는 학부 꼬꼬마 시절에 처음 들었던 것 같은데

언제 어떻게 다시 들어도 좋은 걸 보니

중2병은 완치가 되지 않는가봐 싶다가도 그래도 좋은 걸 어떡하냐.

지하철 타고 교보에 가서 헤드폰을 쓰고 이 노래를 듣다가 돌아오고 싶다. 

'렛사판다' 카테고리의 다른 글

Sleep no more!  (0) 2015.01.03
Luna Sea - End of Sorrow  (0) 2013.08.27
언니네 이발관 - 가장 보통의 존재  (0) 2013.08.22
마지막 사중주 - A Late Quartet  (0) 2013.08.14
For フル-ツバスケット  (0) 2013.06.02
Posted in : 렛사판다 at 2013. 8. 27. 12:41
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